Living Portraits, Living Profiles

Living Portraits, Living Profiles

November 01, 2015
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

There are a thousand stories behind what we are, how we say things, how we react to situations, or ways of being. Yet so often, we treat people we meet or situations we encounter at face value, as a one dimensional caricature, disregarding all the stories and experiences that inform and influence. We are natural profilers. As religious people, we are called to encounter the world and one another with curiosity and compassion. We are called to be border crossers.

View the November 1 Order of Service.

Offering Plate recipient: Playworks

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

November Worship Theme: Border Crossing 

“We must become experienced border crossers if we are to thrive as a faith tradition.” So writes Unitarian Universalist President, Peter Morales. Border crossing or moving beyond our personal, social, and cultural experience of the world and experiencing life from another vantage point is spiritual work. All the major religions outline different spiritual technologies necessary for freeing ourselves from the prison of our Selves, and crossing borders. So, how do we become more adept at identifying borders? How do we ready ourselves to make a crossing? How do we immerse ourselves in another place, another context, another reality in order to truly meet the world, and lean into whole and holy life?

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