Choices, Choices, Choices

Choices, Choices, Choices

October 18, 2015
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Over the course of our lifetime, we make thousands of choices – choices based on convenience, choices based on finances, choices based on our values. We think we know what we’re choosing and what the outcome will be. But what if our choices have unintended consequences that we don’t even know about or see? How might a practice of humility help us better understand the full impact of the choices we are making?

Download the October 18 Order of Service.

Special Music: Universal Rock Band

Offering Plate recipient: Augsburg Fairview Academy (donate here; to ensure your donation goes to Augsburg Fairview Academy, please write ‘Offering Plate/AFA’ on the ‘For’ line.) See the Order of Service (above) for more information.

Listen to the Call to Worship and the Sermon:

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