Soft Heart, Open Hands, Clear Boundaries

Soft Heart, Open Hands, Clear Boundaries

December 05, 2021
Dr. Randy Buikema, First Universalist Choir, Franco Holder, Lauren Wyeth, Rev. Jen Crow, Rev. Karen Hutt

Image: CC BY-NC 2.0 Kristin Marie Enns-Kavanagh

As we turn into the longest nights of the year, what commitments will shine like stars, helping us navigate through these troubling times? What if we aimed to keep our hearts soft, our hands open, and our boundaries clear? Together we’ll explore how these ways of being might help us live in alignment with our Universalist faith in the spirit of love and hope.

Join us for worship in person at 9 a.m. or in person and online at 11 a.m. this Sunday, December 5. Worship will include singing, prayer and meditation, and considering our December worship theme, “It’s Always Now.”


Offering: (give here) or text firstuniv to 73256. You’ll receive a link to a secure form where you can enter your information. Select the “Offering Plate” fund from the dropdown menu.

Care Companions – in person, after each service
We know that worship can take us into deep and surprising places. If you find yourself needing to talk with someone about what is stirring for you after worship, please speak with one of our care companions in a confidential zoom room after the service. This is how we care for one another.

First Step – in person, immediately after each service (option to join via zoom after second service on the first Sunday of the month)

Facilitated by one of our members, First Step is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend First Step, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you! Thank you!

First Step meets in person every first and third Sunday of the month after each service- roughly 10:05 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. On the first Sunday of the month, there’s an option to join via zoom after the second service- roughly 12:05 p.m. If you join us in person, look for the facilitator holding a “First Step Meets Here” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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