Impossible Dreams

Impossible Dreams

January 03, 2021
Rev. Justin Schroeder

What will be different in 2021? What dreams for our lives and our community have been shaped by the pandemic, the racial justice uprising, and the questions still unanswered of whether or not the United States can actually become a pluralistic, equitable, multi-racial democracy? What dreams of yours – and what collective dreams of ours – might come to life in 2021? For dreams to be born, we must choose change, be courageous and brave, and let old habits and patterns fade and die, so something new and life giving can blossom.

Join us online Sunday, Jan. 3 at 10 a.m. Worship will include a story for all ages, sharing our joys and concerns, music, and a message. Follow along with the Order of Service.

Offering: Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light
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January Worship Theme: Choosing Change
More information about our January worship series
As we move into 2021 clear that we cannot return to “normal,” how will we actively “choose change,” re-imagine our lives, our purpose, the structure of our society, and the things we focus on? The answer to these questions rests in choices both small and large. Change sometimes feels impossible, but we forget that change is dynamic, alive, lurking in every corner, and is happening all around us, all the time. Change can begin when we speak the truth, when we turn toward the feeling rising in us rather than push it away, when we name what is real for us and listen to what is real for others, and when we stop and take a breath before we respond. In her book, Parable of the Sower, science fiction writer Octavia Butler, writes, “All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you. The only lasting truth is change. God is change.” These words invite us to consider: What does it mean to choose change? To step fully into the “God flow,” the river of change, wide awake, and let it work on us, and us on it, as it shapes our relationships, spirit, and the course of our lives? When it comes to choosing change, the poet John O’Donohue offers these questions to reflect on: “Where could I have exposed myself to the risk of something different? Where did I allow myself to receive love? What reached me today? How deep did it imprint? What did I avoid today?” This month, through message, song, prayer, and video, we will explore what it means to “choose change” and to embrace the lasting truth that is change.

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