The Seeds We Are Planting

The Seeds We Are Planting

November 22, 2020
Rev. Arif Mamdani

These last many weeks, I’ve been returning to the notion of the fractal nature of reality that adrienne maree brown writes about in Emergent Strategy. As she writes: “Dandelions contain an entire community in each spore that gets blown on children’s breath.” Here in the Twin Cities, the dandelions are long gone. Winter is coming. COVID rates are on the rise. Hospitals and those who staff them are at the very edge. This may well be a very hard season. And yet, I wonder in this emerging winter, what spores are we crafting that will reseed the Earth as it awakens in spring? How might we, individually and collectively share the burdens, lighten our load, and move, even just a little, toward the world we dream of? Let’s gather up on Sunday- Breathe together and share word and song as we turn our hearts toward the season ahead, grab each other’s (digital, imaginary) hands, and make our way through.

Join us online Sunday, Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. for a story for all ages, sharing our joys and concerns, special music, and a sermon from Rev. Arif Mamdani.

Click to enter the Worship Webinar 10 a.m.

Webinar ID: 861 805 984
Dial-in on a phone for audio-only: 312-626-6799

NEW! Follow along with the Virtual Order of Service, which includes a Reflection and Listening Guide to help deepen your experience with the worship service.

Offering: Alafia Foundation
(give here) or text firstuniv to 73256.You’ll receive a link to a secure form where you can enter your information. Select the “Offering Plate” fund from the dropdown menu.

Post-Worship Fellowship Hour for BIPOC and Multiracial folks ~ 11 a.m.
A social space for those who identify as black, indigenous, people of color, and multiracial to connect.

Care Companions Space (formerly pastoral visitors) ~ 11 a.m.
We know that worship can take us into deep and surprising places. If you find yourself needing to talk with someone about what is stirring for you after worship, please speak with one of our care companions in a confidential zoom room after the service. This is how we care for one another.

Sunday Small Groups & Open Fellowship Hour  – 11:15 a.m.
Gather in zoom breakout rooms to reflect on content related to the worship service using the guide below. This link will take you to a main zoom room where you’ll be invited to join a smaller breakout room.

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