No Forwarding Address

No Forwarding Address

November 23, 2014
Rev. Justin Schroeder
Join Rev. Justin this sunday as he preaches  “No Forwarding Address”

When we launched our “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” sermon series on Nov. 2, Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink shared a poem called “Living in a Body.” The poem ended with these lines:

Body is a thing that you have to leave
eventually. You know that because you have
seen others do it, others who were once like you,
living inside their pile of bones and
flesh, smiling at you, loving you,
leaning in the doorway, talking to you
for hours and then one day they
are gone. No forwarding address.

Today, we’ll explore what it means to live in bodies that we know will one day die. How might we practice dying every day, so when the spirit finally leaves the body, we have done the important work we were able to do?

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